Call for Participation of International
Workshops Collocated with
the 20th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society
for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI2006)
June 5-6, 2006
Tower Hall Funabori, Tokyo , Japan
HP of Main
Committee of JSAI2006 is pleased to announce the call for participation
of three international workshops co-located with JSAI2006: the 20th Annual
Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence.
Preregistration is not required. Onsite registration only for participation.
Registration fee: 5,000 yen (
This registration fee covers a workshop text. Extra texts (1000 JPY/text)
are available on the registration site. )
Cash and Credit Card (VISA and Master only) are accepted.
Information on convenient hotels for
participants is available here.
Important Dates:
Deadline of first paper submission: March, 22, 2006
Deadline of camera ready submission: April, 21, 2006
Workshop date: June, 5 and/or 6, 2006 (Monday, Tuesday)
Some outstanding papers will be published in a post proceedings book as
LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) from Springer. Working notes are published with ISBN.
The followings are the abstracts of the workshops. For the details, please
look at URLs of each workshops.
Further inquiries: jsai2006@ai-gakkai.or.jp
- WS1:
Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 2006 (LENLS 2006)
* Logical aspects of semantic theory and semantically applicable formal systems
* Philosophical issues related to natural language semantics
* Empirical and theoretical issues in formal semantics proper
* Topics in formal pragmatics, including (for instance)
- Information structure
- Speech acts and denials
- Presupposition
- Questions and Answers
- Discourse structure and coherence
- Probabilistic and utility-theoretic methods in formal pragmatics
- Game theory in linguistics
- Implicature and expressive meaning
* Applications of formal semantics to natural language engineering
- WS2: Workshop on Learning with Logics and Logics for Learning (LLLL, L4)
* Learning and knowledge discovery using logic
* Logics for machine learning and knowledge discovery
* Logics using machine learning
* Machine learning as a foundation of mathematics/mathematical procedures
* Amalgamation of Loggic-based Learning and Statistical/Information Theoretical
* Learning and knowledge discovery from Relational Data
* Learning and Knowledge discovery from Structured/Semi-structured Data
* Learning and knowledge discovery from Real-valued Data
* Algorithmic aspects of learning based on logics
- WS3: Workshop on Risk Mining (RM 2006)
* Data mining for risk management
* Chance discovery for risk management
* Active Mining for risk management
* Machine learning for risk management
* Other techniques for risk detection, analysis and utilization of risk
* Applications in the fields (but not limited to) of
- Medicine
- Marketing
- Security
- Decision Support in Business
- Social Activities
- Human Relationships
- Chemistry
- Sensor data