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3J3-OS-20b-5 What interaction dynamics are required for intersubjective experience?


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06月06日(Thu) 13:20〜15:20 J会場(-市民プラザ2F ギャラリーB)
3J3-OS-20b オーガナイズドセッション「OS-20 「私」の境界と意味の現れへの構成論的アプローチ-2」

題目What interaction dynamics are required for intersubjective experience?
著者池上 高志(東京大学)
飯塚 博幸(大阪大学大学院 情報科学研究科 バイオ情報工学専攻)
Froese Tom(Université de Mexico)
時間06月06日(Thu) 14:40〜15:00
概要We recently conducted a psychological study in which two participants were asked to find each other in a minimal virtual space. The results of this experiment show that moments of joint action, for example turn-taking, indeed correspond to a more strongly felt presence of another person.