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4H1-5 Conservation Laws and Thermodynamics in Chemical Reaction Networks


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06月07日(Fri) 09:00〜11:00 H会場(-市民プラザ3F AVスタジオ)
4H1 ソフトコンピューティング「ソフトコンピューティング-2」

題目Conservation Laws and Thermodynamics in Chemical Reaction Networks
著者Virgo Nathaniel(University of Tokyo)
池上 高志(東京大学)
時間06月07日(Fri) 10:00〜10:20
概要Many systems, including biological metabolism and prebiotic chemistry, can be modelled using the formalism of chemical reaction networks. An important quetion is, under what circumstances can such systems generate novelty and complexity? Here we investigate the effect of conservation laws (i.e. the inability of chemical reactions to create or destroy individual atoms) and the second law of thermodynamics on the topology of such networks. This research will give insights into the emergence of complexity in physical systems in general, and the origins of life in particular.