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3J3-OS-20b-3 Size Effect In Simulation of The Formation of Symbolic Communication System


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06月06日(Thu) 13:20〜15:20 J会場(-市民プラザ2F ギャラリーB)
3J3-OS-20b オーガナイズドセッション「OS-20 「私」の境界と意味の現れへの構成論的アプローチ-2」

題目Size Effect In Simulation of The Formation of Symbolic Communication System
著者李 冠宏(Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, School of Knowledge Science)
橋本 敬(北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 知識科学研究科)
時間06月06日(Thu) 14:00〜14:20
概要To study the emergence of symbolic communication system, Konno et al. has proposed and carried out an experimental approach involving coordination game. We simulate the experiment with agent based modelling and reinforcement learning, and found that the size of selectable symbols has a negative effect on the formation of symbolic communication system under the synchronous messaging condition, but not under the asynchronous messaging condition. Further investigation indicates that this size effect is in fact related to turn-taking during information exchange.