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1P2-OS-28b-4 2016年以降のオンライン社会的合意形成支援システムにおける社会的,法的,倫理的課題


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05月23日(Tue) 15:50〜17:30 P会場(ウインクあいち-10F 1008会議室)
1P2-OS-28b オーガナイズドセッション「OS-28 合意形成支援のためのAI(2)」

著者浜田 良樹(タマサート大学シリントーン国際工学部,名古屋工業大学)
時間05月23日(Tue) 17:10〜17:30
概要ELSI problems accompany with AI technology is rapidly recognized among researchers. However, in 2016, we experienced two impactful scene, one is the referendum in United Kingdom whether UK should leave EU, and the other one is US presidential election. They told us that democracy, we believed as the perfect system to build social consensus while maintaining liberty and equality, has possible to corrupt. In such period, what we can do to spread new online consensus building supporting system? This paper is donated to all engineers to find a first step after the “2016 shock”.