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4Q1-4in2 Grounded noun/verb-phrases to images for RTE


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05月26日(Fri) 09:30〜11:10 Q会場(ウインクあいち-8F 展示場)
4Q1 インタラクティブセッション「インタラクティブセッション(2)」

題目Grounded noun/verb-phrases to images for RTE
著者韓 丹(AIRC/AIST)
マルティネス パスクアル(Artificial Intelligence Research Center, AIST)
時間05月26日(Fri) 09:30〜11:10
概要We propose an algorithm to ground noun phrases and verb phrases to images, and deduce the relations between phrases from examining the similarity of two sets of images according to a simple similarity measure and a threshold. We evaluate our method in a textual entailment task.