CALL FOR PAPERS & PARTICIPATION WABM'03 @ JSAI'03 The Int. Workshop on Agent-Based Modeling in conjunction with the 17th Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 23rd June 2003. |
1. Aims and Scope Agent-Based Modeling has become one of major techniques to design and analyze complex adaptive systems including societies, economics, organizations, business management, Web applications, and the other engineering fields. After the successes of the former meetings including the 1st and 2nd AESCS (Agent-based approach to Economic and Social Complex Systems) workshops held in Matsue 2001 and in Tokyo 2002, CS02 (the 6th international conferences on complex systems) in Tokyo, 2002, we have decided to hold this workshop. The objective of the Workshop is to continue the efforts to foster the formation of an active multi-disciplinary community on multiagent, computational economics, organizational science, social dynamics, and complex adaptive systems, in conjunction with the 17th annual conference of JSAI, the largest AI related annual conference in the Pacific Asia region. 2. Topics The topics to be addressed include, but not limited to: - Formal Theories on Agent-based Modeling * agent-based computational foundations * theories on rationality, intention, emotion, social action, social interaction * heterogeneity and diversity of agents - Methodologies of Agent-Based Modeling * Tools and Techniques to Scalable and Robust Simulators * Verification, Validation, and Testing of ABMs * Visualization * Comparison of Various ABMs/ABSs - Computational Economics and Organization * agent-based economics * artificial markets * agents in financial engineering * econophysics * computational organization theory - Social Dynamics * methodologies of modeling social behaviors * chaotic and fractal dynamics * dynamics of populations - Collective Intelligence * collective decision and behaviors * emergent intelligence * social intelligence - Applications of Agent-Based Modeling and Case Studies * E-Commerce * Web Applications * Industrial Applications * Community Support 3. Paper submission High quality papers in all related areas to Agent-Base Modeling are solicited. Papers or Abstracts exploring new directions will receive a careful and supportive review. The format of the papers should follow the one of Springer LNCS (Pleasse refer to http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html) and the length of the full paper is within 12 pages. (Extended) abstracts within 2 pages are also welcome. The language of the paper is English. Electronic submission is required. Please send PS, PDF, or WinWORD version of your paper by May 20, 2003 to: ryoke@gssm.otsuka.tsukuba.ac.jp. 4. Publication Accepted papers are published in the workshop proceedings. After the event we will give authors the opportunity to revise their accepted papers, and publish them as post proceedings in LNCS with the other JSAI2003 workshops and selected papers of JSAI2003. ![]() 5. Important dates May 20, 2002 Paper submission deadline (by e-mail) May 31, 2002 Notification of paper acceptance (by e-mail) June 10, 2002 Camera-ready copies of accepted papers due (by e-mail) June 23, 2003 Workshop 6. Registration and Participants The registration fee: JPN 5,000 To encourage interaction and exchange of ideas, the workshops will be kept small with 25-40 participants. Attendance is limited to active participants only. We are planning to have ample time for general discussion. 7. Venue WABS'03 will be held at TOKI Messe, located in Niigata City, Japan. (https://www.tokimesse.com/english/) 8. Organizing and Program Committees - Workshop Chair Takao Terano, University of Tsukuba, Japan, terano@gssm.otsuka.tsukuba.ac.jp - Organizers: Koichi Kurumatani, Cyber Assist Research Center, AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Japan, k.kurumatani@aist.go.jp Mina Ryoke, University of Tsukuba, Japan - Program Committee (Tentative; Alphabetical Order): Shu-Heng Chen, National Chengchi University, Taiwan, chchen@nccu.edu.tw Sung-Bae Cho, Yonsei University, Korea, sbcho@csai.yonsei.ac.kr Hiroshi Deguchi, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, deguchi@dis.titech.ac.jp Kiyoshi Izumi, CARC,AIST, Japan, kiyoshi@aist.go.jp, Yoshiteru Nakamori, JAIST, Japan, nakamori@jaist.ac.jp Akira Namatame, National Defence Academy, Japan, nama@nda.ac.jp Azuma, Ohuchi, Hokkaido University Keiji Suzuki, Future University-Hakodate, suzukj@fun.ac.jp Keiki Takadama, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, keiki@dis.titech.ac.jp David Wing Kay Yeung, Hong Kong Baptist University, China, wkyeung@hkbu.edu.hk |
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