Artificial Intelligence and Web Search: Opportunities for Symbiosis
講演者: Mehran Sahami (Google)
Web search is one of the most important applications used on the
Internet, but it also poses many interesting challenges. Moreover,
the number of other applications available on the web involving
information retrieval, such as social networks, continues to grow
at a rapid pace. In order to better help people find relevant
information in a growing sea of data, it is critical to build large,
scalable intelligent systems that can sift, analyze, organize, and
present relevant information to users. Not only can AI techniques be
used to benefit such web applications, but there are also many benefits
to be gained by applications that harness the vast amount fo data
available via the web. In this talk, we provide a brief background on
information retrieval, and then look at some of the challenges faced
in find relevant information on the Web. We will examine how some of
these challenges are addressed at Google to improve users' access to
information. Specifically, we will focus on how AI technologies have
been employed in a variety of applications, including web search, image
classification, record linkage, and recommendation in social networks,
and also highlight how the vast amount of data available on the web can
be leveraged in approving such applications. Finally, we will also
discuss Google's goal of continually improving information acess through
the deployment of a variety of applications focused on information
analysis, understanding, and retrieval.
司会: 石塚満
日時: 6月15日(水) 13:30-15:00
会場: 北九州国際会議場 メインホール
参加費: 無料
※ 講演は英語で行われます。