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2F1-5 Multi-level Scoring Rule Application for Smart Pricing Scheme


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06月05日(Wed) 09:00〜10:40 F会場(-国際会議場2F 特別会議室)
2F1 エージェント「エージェント-1」

題目Multi-level Scoring Rule Application for Smart Pricing Scheme
著者CHAKRABORTY SHANTANU(Nagoya Institute of Technology)
伊藤 孝行(名古屋工業大学)
時間06月05日(Wed) 10:20〜10:40
概要Scoring rule is getting attention in agent driven incentive designing. Smart grid is a new promising application field of multi-agent based strategies. Decentralization in power market brings out a new paradigm of energy providing where generation companies (GENCOs) sell energy to electricity providers (EP) who act as a distributer selling electricity to the consumers. A new smart pricing scheme for the consumers which is essentially based on a hierarchical multi-layered scoring rule and cost optimization is presented. The model assumes the availability of dynamic day-ahead pricing. Consumer agents (CA) predict the device scheduling for next day and report to EP. EP computes the total energy requirement that satisfies consumers demand in accordance with that prediction. EP will report the prediction to GENCO using a probability distribution. GENCO computes the discount based on the prediction provided by EPs while satisfying their demands. The discount will be distributed over EPs based on a scoring rule for their truthful predictions. Finally EP will charge consumers and distribute that discount according to the score CAs achieve for their device scheduling prediction. Continuous Ranked Probability Score is applied as the scoring mechanism.