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1B3-CS-3 ロジャー・シャンクがたどった軌跡と組み立てる学習


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05月30日(Sat) 13:20〜15:00 B会場(4F南/5F南-講堂)
1B3 「学会コラボセッションS1「学習の科学と工学の協同」」

著者鈴木 克明(熊本大学大学院教授システム学専攻)
時間05月30日(Sat) 14:15〜14:40
概要This paper describes a trajectory of research by Roger C. Schank, who once proposed Case-based Reasoning. His interest in education and training moved himself to establish Institute of Learning Sciences at Northwestern, where he proposed Goal-based Scenarios (GBS) as an instructional design theory for creating story-based learning materials. GBS was then expanded to Story-centered Curriculum to make GBS scalable to the design of an entire curriculum that facilitates learning based on CBR. Design-based research for bridging AI models to the design of educational practices will be discussed.