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4B1-CS-2 創発システム論から見る記号


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06月02日(Tue) 09:00〜10:40 B会場(4F南/5F南-講堂)
4B1 「学会コラボセッションS2「知覚的シンボルシステムの実現に向けて」」

著者谷口 忠大(立命館大学 情報理工学部)
時間06月02日(Tue) 09:30〜09:55
概要This paper describes the problems of approaches towards‘’symbol systems ’’in the research eld of arti cial intelligence. In conventional arti cial intelligence researches, amodal symbolic systems have been explicitly or
implicitly assumed. In contrast with such approaches, we insist that a symbol system have to be considered as a part of an emergent system called symbol emergent system. Based on the concept, we describe the importance of
the approach called symbol emergence in robotics.