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4B1-R-2-4 Bootstrapping confidence intervals in linear non-Gaussian causal model


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06月15日(Fri) 09:00〜12:20 B会場(-山口県教育会館/第一研修室(141))
4B1-R-2 機械学習「機械学習(3)」

題目Bootstrapping confidence intervals in linear non-Gaussian causal model
著者Thamvitayakul Kittitat(大阪大学産業科学研究所)
清水 昌平(大阪大学産業科学研究所)
鷲尾 隆(大阪大学 産業科学研究所)
田代 竜也(大阪大学産業科学研究所)
時間06月15日(Fri) 10:00〜10:20
概要We consider the problem of finding significant connection strengths of variables in a linear non-Gaussian causal model called LiNGAM. In our previous work, bootstrapping confidence intervals of connection strengths were simultaneously computed in order to test their statistical significance. However, such a naive approach raises the multiple comparison problem which many directed edges are likely to be falsely found significant. Therefore, in this study, we tested two multiple testing correction approaches, Bonferroni correction and Mandel's approach, then evaluated their performance. We found that both Bonferroni correction and Mandel's approach are able to eliminate some of falsely found directed edges.