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Towards Vocal Robot based on Cognitive Developmental Robotics (認知発達ロボティクスによる発話ロボットへの挑戦)


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06月13日(Wed) 13:10〜14:40 A会場(-山口県教育会館/大ホール(512))
2A2 招待講演「浅田稔(大阪大学)」

題目Towards Vocal Robot based on Cognitive Developmental Robotics (認知発達ロボティクスによる発話ロボットへの挑戦)
著者Minoru Asada (浅田 稔)
時間06月13日(Wed) 13:10〜14:40
概要One of the big issues of human cognitive development is language acquisition process, and constructive approaches have been attacking the issue to understand this process by building vocal robots. This talk gives a survey on these approaches. First, cognitive developmental robotics is briefly introduced to show a general idea of these approaches. Then, learning of vowel vocalization by parrot-like teaching is shown as one of the model of the interaction between an infant and a caregiver. Physical embodiment (less deformation of vocal tract and less energy consumption) enabled the reduction of vowel ambiguity (large variations). In this experiment, auditory feedback of the learner has not been considered. Then, a method is proposed to find the vowel mapping between a caregiver and an infant (learning robot) who have different utterable regions through the auditory feedback of the learner. Next, a sensori-motor magnet effect and caregiver's anticipation during the interaction process are analyzed, and as a result, it is shown how caregiver shapes the infant vowels. Finally, future issues are discussed towards language acquisition by cognitive developmental robotics.
