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応用のきく基礎研究と基礎のある応用研究を (Developing practical systems with firm foundations and studying foundations applicable to practical systems)


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06月12日(Tue) 13:30〜15:00 A会場(-山口県教育会館/大ホール(512))
1A2 特別講演「有川節夫(九州大学)」

題目応用のきく基礎研究と基礎のある応用研究を (Developing practical systems with firm foundations and studying foundations applicable to practical systems)
著者有川 節夫 (Setsuo Arikawa)
時間06月12日(Tue) 13:30〜15:00

I have been involved in research and education of informatics including AI for nearly a half century from the stage of its creation, and also concerned with how informatics should be developed and supported through several committees set up in our government and some other organizations as a member and a chairperson. Although for these six to seven years I could not engage directly in such work on informatics because of the administration and management at my university, I have been taking part in making several proposals and showing some directions on the studies of informatics through the committees.
In this lecture, by showing some real examples I am going to talk about the basic ideas or principles as shown in the title, on which I had developed my research and education on informatics, especially on AI, and then touch on my experience on setting up scientific communities and the managements of computer center, library, and the whole university from the viewpoints of informatics and AI studies. And also I would like to express my expectations for researchers and students about current research and education of informatics and AI.