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1K1-IOS-1a-2 Exploiting Information Flow and Active Links for Link Prediction in Social Networks


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06月12日(Tue) 10:00〜12:20 K会場(-ゆ~あいプラザ山口県社会福祉会館/第1会議室(81))
1K1-IOS-1a International Organized Session「Application Oriented Principles of Machine Learning and Data Mining (1)」

題目Exploiting Information Flow and Active Links for Link Prediction in Social Networks
著者Munasinghe Lankeshwara(The Graduate University for Advanced Studies)
Ichise Ryutaro(National Institute of Informatics)
時間06月12日(Tue) 10:30〜11:00
概要Study of link evolution in social networks has become a vital research topic. In this paper, we will present the analytical details and results of the experiments we conducted to study the link evolution and information flow in social networks.