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1K2-IOS-1b-6 Automatic Approach to Understanding Mathematical Expressions Using MathML Parallel Markup Corpora


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06月12日(Tue) 15:30〜20:00 K会場(-ゆ~あいプラザ山口県社会福祉会館/第1会議室(81))
1K2-IOS-1b International Organized Session「Application Oriented Principles of Machine Learning and Data Mining (2)」

題目Automatic Approach to Understanding Mathematical Expressions Using MathML Parallel Markup Corpora
著者Nghiem Minh-Quoc(The Graduate University for Advanced Studies)
Kristianto Giovanni Yoko(The University of Tokyo)
Matsubayashi Yuichiroh(National Institute of Informatics)
Akiko Aizawa(The University of Tokyo)
時間06月12日(Tue) 18:10〜18:40
概要This paper explores the use of MathML Pallel Markup Corpora for mathematical expression understanding, the task of which is formulated as a translation from Presentation to Content MathML Markups in our approach. In contrast to existing researches that mainly relied on manually encoded transformation rules, we adopt a Statistical-Machine-Translation-based method to automatically extract translation rules from parallel markup corpora. Our study shows that the structural features embedded in the MathML tree can be effectively exploited in the sub-tree alignment and the translation rules extracted from the alignment give boost to the translation system. Experimental results on the Wolfram Function Site show that our approach achieves an improvement against a rule-based system.