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3P1-IOS-2a-2 A Phonetic Rule-based Approach for Generating Casual English Sentences


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06月14日(Thu) 09:00〜12:20 P会場(-ふるさと伝承センターみやび館/和室(1軒屋(50坪)))
3P1-IOS-2a International Organized Session「Alan Turing Year Special Session on AI Research That Can Change The World (1)」

題目A Phonetic Rule-based Approach for Generating Casual English Sentences
著者Clark Eleanor(Hokkaido University)
ARAKI Kenji(Hokkaido University)
時間06月14日(Thu) 09:30〜10:00
概要We present a system for generating casual English short sentences from regular English input using a phonetic rule-based approach. This is addressed as an AI task, with the potential application of generating Twitter-style sentences for marketing or other communication purposes. Our aim was to automatically produce sentences that would appear to a human reader to be indistinguishable to sentences which are the result of human creativity. To evaluate the performance of the system, we conducted Turing-type tests with human readers, to consider firstly "human-likeness", and also "legibility" of the sentences. In this paper, we discuss the overall design of the system, the custom-made phoneme database, and the process and results of our evaluation experiment.