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3C1-OS-13a-4 Integrating Heterogeneous Ontology Schema from LOD


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06月14日(Thu) 09:00〜12:20 C会場(-山口県教育会館/第二研修室+第三研修室(72+30))
3C1-OS-13a オーガナイズドセッション「OS-13 Linked Dataとオントロジー」

題目Integrating Heterogeneous Ontology Schema from LOD
著者趙 麗花(国立情報学研究所)
市瀬 龍太郎(国立情報学研究所)
時間06月14日(Thu) 10:00〜10:20
概要The Linked Open Data (LOD) includes over 31 billion Resource Description Framework (RDF) triples, but only interlinked by around 504 million RDF links. Linking related or identical instances in the LOD can help semantic web application developers easily collect data from various data sets. However, because of the heterogeneity of ontology schema in the LOD, it is difficult for them to query the data sets without manually learning ontology schema. An automatic ontology schema integration method can help us to detect and integrate important ontology schema for linking related data. Since the links between related resources construct a linked network, we can detect linked graph pattern from the linked data. By analyzing the graph patterns, we can discover related predicates and the core predicates that are used for linking related instances. Our approach performs ontology similarity matching method on the linked graph patterns to identify related predicates from different ontology schema. Using the
automatically integrated ontology schema, semantic web application developers can easily understand the links between instances and effectively query on the linked data sets.